City Ordinances
- Ordinance 2024-001 - Adopting the Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
- Ordinance 2024-002 - To adopt the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
- Ordinance 2024-004 - To adopt Presidents' Day and Juneteenth as observed holidays
- Ordinance 2024-005 - To establish Park and Recreational Fee Schedule
- Ordinance 2024-006 - To amend Zoning Ordinance 2016-009
- Ordinance 2024-007 - Liquor and Wine Sales
- Ordinance 2023-001 - To amend the Budget
- Ordinance 2023-002 - To create specific criteria for Stephenson Farms development
- Ordinance 2023-003 - To establish the Municipal Floodplain Zoning Ordinance
- Ordinance 2023-009 - To amend Ordinance 2019-005 - Fee Schedule
- Ordinance 2022-001 - To Adopt Annual Budget for Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023
- Ordinance 2021-011 - To Amend the Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning Map
- Ordinance 2021-010 - To Adopt Amendments to the City of Eagleville, TN Zoning Ordinance, by Amending 2016-009
- Ordinance 2021-009 - Annex Certain Property, 1501 Highway 41A South
- Ordinance 2021-008 - Regarding Construction Materials in Planned Developments
- Ordinance 2021-007 - To Amend Section 5.081 G 5
- Ordinance 2021-006 - To Amend Section 9-203, 9-204, 9-205, and 9-214 of the City of Eagleville Code of Ordinances
- Ordinance 2021-005 - Annex Certain Property, Map 1410 Group B, Parcel 00500
- Ordinance 2021-004 - Annex Certain Property, Map 163, Parcel 00600
- Ordinance 2021-003 - To Amend Section 8-209 Eagleville Code of Ordinances, on Ordinances 09-01, 2011-05 & 2015-09
- Ordinance 2021-002 - Adopting the Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022
- Ordinance 2021-001 - To Adopt Amendments to the City of Eagleville, TN Zoning Ordinance, by Amending 2016-009
- Ordinance 2020-005 - To Amend Section 1. (d) of Ordinance 2011-0004 Compensation
- Ordinance 2020-004 - Adopting the Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021
- Ordinance 2020-003 - To Amend Section 8.010 of Ordinance 2016-011
- Ordinance 2020-002 - To Amend Sections 5.080 and 5.081 of the City of Eagleville Zoning Ordinance
- Ordinance 2020-001 - To Amend Section 1-101 of the City of Eagleville Code of Ordinances
- Ordinance 2019-013 - To Amend the Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning Map
- Ordinance 2019-012 - To Amend the Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning Map
- Ordinance 2019-011 - To Adopt Amendments to the City of Eagleville, TN Zoning Ordinance, by Amending 2016-009
- Ordinance 2019-009 - Authorizing the Purchase of Property Located at 307 North Main St, Eagleville, TN
- Ordinance 2019-008 - Authorizing the Purchase of Property Located at 243 North Main St, Eagleville, TN
- Ordinance 2019-007 - Adopting the Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020
- Ordinance 2019-006 - To Amend Section 14-101 of the City of Eagleville Code of Ordinances
- Ordinance 2019-005 - To Establish a New Fee Schedule for the City of Eagleville Rescinding all Prior Fee Schedules
- Ordinance 2019-004 - An Ordinance to Amend Section 3-305 of the City of Eagleville Code of Ordinances
- Ordinance 2019-003 - An Ordinance to Amend Section 1-101 of the City of Eagleville Code of Ordinances
- Ordinance 2019-002 - To Adopt Amendments to the City of Eagleville, TN Zoning Ordinance, by Amending 2016-009
- Ordinance 2019-001 - To Adopt a Family of Building Codes Relating to Inspection Activities of the City of Eagleville, TN